"The Hard Nut," Cal Performances (Berkeley, CA) - December 13-21, 1997
Joe Bowie, Guillermo Resto, Marianne Moore, June Omura, Tina Fehlandt, Barry Alterman, Peter Wing Healey, Kraig Patterson, Rob Besserer, William Wagner, Marjorie Folkman, Derek Clifford, Ruth Davidson Hahn, Shawn Gannon, Mark Morris, Rachel Murray, Mireille Radwan Dana, Julie Worden, Susan Shields, Juliet Burrows, David Leventhal, Utafumi Takemura, Jordana Toback, Michelle Yard, Charlton Boyd, Ruben Graciani, Lauren Grant, Dan Joyce, Matthew Rose, Vernon Scott, John Heginbotham
Works Performed
Promotional Materials
Invitation for "The Hard Nut" Cal Performances benefit - December 13, 1997
Invitation for "The Hard Nut" Cal Performances benefit - December 13, 1997
Promotional Materials
Season brochure for Cal Performances - 1996-1997
Season brochure for Cal Performances - 1996-1997
The Dance Group in "The Hard Nut," circa 1997
The Dance Group in "The Hard Nut," circa 1997
The Dance Group in "The Hard Nut," circa 1997
The Dance Group in "The Hard Nut," circa 1997